Condor supports Helping Rhinos, innovation through conservation
Did you know there are only two northern white rhinos left on the planet?
It's a shocking statistic, which is why we've partnered with Helping Rhinos, who strive to protect the world we all cycle in.

The environment and conservation are important issues to Condor. We want to protect and care for the world we cycle in. We have a number of environmental policies in place to reduce pollution and waste, and protect the planet. We support Helping Rhinos, who strive to adopt an innovative model for conservation.

Helping raise money for Helping Rhinos
Three rhinos are poached every day, leaving only 28,000 in the wild.
Sold only on the black market, rhino horn has become one of the most expensive commodities in the world.
We created a special edition jersey, and proceeds from each sale donated to the charity.

Ride the Helping Rhinos Hertfordshire 100
Join legendary commentator, Phil Liggett, in August, and tackle the Hertfordshire 100 to raise money for Helping Rhinos. The long-established sportive offers three routes through beautiful country lanes.
Helping Rhinos Current Projects
Helping Rhinos works in partnership with key projects in the field to grow and protect rhino populations.

Black Mambas are South Africa’s first all-female anti-poaching unit. The team of thirty-six women work in the Balule Game Reserve in the Greater Kruger Park. Since the project began in 2014, the team have foiled poaching ambushes and reduced the risk to the rhinos in the region.

Ol Pejeta Conservancy is located in the Laikipia county of Kenya and is home to both the largest population of critically endangered black rhino in East Africa and the last two northern white rhinos in the world. The conservancy is a role model for the future of conservation.

The Zululand Rhino Orphanage was created following a brutal attack by poachers on a rhino orphanage in the area. The orphanage is in a secret location and is home to baby rhinos whose mothers have been poached. Baby rhinos require twenty-four hour care to ensure they grow up fit and healthy.