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Shutter Precision Dynamo Bike Hubs

Shutter Precision is a Taiwan-based company producing Dynamo hubs. Particularly popular with bike-packing and touring cyclists, upgrading your bike...

Shutter Precision is a Taiwan-based company producing Dynamo hubs. Particularly popular with bike-packing and touring cyclists, upgrading your bike hub to a Dynamo allows you to convert the energy from your bicycle wheel into electrical energy. By connecting a Dynamo hub to a compatible bike light, you can get constant illumination while you pedal, so you can ride through the night without running out of juice. Almost all front wheels and some rear wheels can be fitted with a suitable Dynamo hub, and Shutter Precision’s are lightweight and extremely efficient. If you have a long ride or multi-day adventure planned by bike, a Dynamo hub is the perfect addition.

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